Women Like Us

Continuing our behind the brand story, and seeing the connection of all things, The Beddha was born from a personal need as much as a response to a collective female...

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Beddha Tribe Camp Experience

As you know, the 1st October we held in London our first Beddha Tribe Camp to celebrate our first anniversary. And let us say: what an event! We would like...

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In The Company Of Women: Johanna Maggy

Hi Johanna Maggy, thank you for taking part in our Say Om Project.The caption written on our t-shirt is a way of life for many and we'd love for you to...

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NEWS | BTC Frida Beauty Ritual

NEWS | BTC Frida Beauty Ritual

ITALIA | BEDDHA TRIBE CAMP IN SERRA DE' CONTI 26/01/2020.   Frida, donna simbolo del femminismo contemporaneo, diventa Musa Ispiratrice delle nostre proposte; chi come lei abbraccia la libertà come unico...

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NEWS | Blossom Into Spring Retreat

NEWS | Blossom Into Spring Retreat

UK | YOGA & SELF-CARE RETREAT; WITH MARIA USAI & BECCY WATKINSON. 28th February 2020 - 1st March 2020; The Quaives Retreat, East Kent.  As we move into the new season we focus on returning to...

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NEWS | BTC Gold Rain Beauty Ritual

NEWS | BTC Gold Rain Beauty Ritual

ITALIA | BEDDHA TRIBE CAMP IN VICENZA 18/01/2020. Ecco l'appuntamento che si terrà a Vicenza nella prestigiosa e illuminante dimora storica Palazzo Squarzi con la nostra ambasciatrice Giulia Guadagnin. Il...

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NEWS | BTC Crystal Beauty Ritual

NEWS | BTC Crystal Beauty Ritual

ITALIA | BEDDHA TRIBE CAMP IN LOCOROTONDO 12/01/2020. Ragazze, dopo il clamoroso successo del BTC in Locorotondo, arriva il secondo appuntamento del Beddha Tribe Camp presso il magico trullo AJNA di Valeria Gianfrate, con...

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