I am reading with interest lots of posts and articles about gender equality, women in business, pay gap...
It's good to see we are finally and openly speaking about what doesn't work in our society. It's sad to see that acknowledging the problem is not enough.
According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2018 that indexed 149 countries, there is evidence of progress, sadly it is too slow. If we keep today's standard, it will take 108 years to close the gender gap still in place. And 202 years to achieve parity in the workplace.
The world has made big steps in terms of gender equality, if you consider where we were a century ago. During this time, we have navigated entrenched social roles to challenge stereotypes and follow our dreams. But it's not enough, we need to speed up the process. And I don't think it will be possible if we keep accepting the world we live in now, built according to a male prospective and keep comparing ourselves to men.
I read one article upon the other, I listen one talk upon the other, where experts say our society need more technical skilled workers, more engineers. And these male experts (and a few female), say women need to pursue science studies if they want to succeed.
If we look at things as they are now, at the type of businesses the experts investigate based on profits and expansion, they are probably right. Because it's a male world with legacy rules set by men. But from where I am sitting now, I think the experts' analysis is inaccurate because it doesn't include our needs and values as women. A male business model can't work for us.
In order for us to succeed, I believe we need to unfollow a man's world and start pursuing a woman's world based on our principles. We need to come up with our business models and tools. We need to stop this idea that if we want to be taken seriously, we have to play the game, dress in a suit, act aggressively, and follow what male experts say, be a boss that is bossy.
This is so 30 years ago...
Instead think about Jennifer Armbrust, who created a manifesto where she states we need to challenge the masculine economy and present the female economy that proposes a new set of values, our values, and a redistribution of power based on feminine principles (like gratitude, collaboration, intention, self-care, love). This will present a new framework for entrepreneurship.
Because entrepreneurship is the new black...
As stated by Baron, one of the main reasons for this surge in interest in entrepreneurship is the strong conviction that entrepreneurship is a powerful engine for economic growth. Being entrepreneurial can lead to job creation and innovations that can increase standard of living. And that can have a positive impact on communities and societies.
If you look around you will notice it. From Sydney to London to Rome we are investing in our values, in what we care and love. According to a new research by Myprotein, female millennials spend double the time on their health than they do socialising. Maybe they do it to post selfies on Instagram. Maybe they do it because they want to feel good. Maybe they do it because they want to look good. Either way, we need to take into account this shift in women's needs and fill the gap.
Wellness has big potentials.
And this goes back to women empowerment and business. Speaking strictly for The Beddha, we are forward thinking because we are already doing it, incorporating in our model many feminine values. A small business based on the idea of female self-care that aims to improve women's life offering toolbox to encourage self-love. A club/community were women can share same interests and be part of something.
This is only the beginning, but remember: in order to move forward we must evolve, break the rules and create new ones...
More on this, on sisterhood, on the power of collaboration next week because it's all connected...
Love love love
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